Co Curricular

Report on Visit to Biotechnology Department of Anna University


About The Event

Our school class 12 B students [18 students of Biology group] visited the Biotechnology
lab of Anna university, Taramani campus on 29th August 2024.
Professors and research scholars of Anna university explained the tools and various
instruments used in biotechnology and recombinant technology. They also briefed about
recent development and discoveries in the field. Students visited various lab and
understood the basic principle, process and applications of Biotechnology. As we always
believe in giving our students a better understanding of various concepts which they are
learning in their curriculum this visit enlighten the students on the topic Genetic
engineering and biotechnology


A.M.M. School, Kotturpuram, Chennai - 600085

A.M.M. School, Kotturpuram, Chennai - 600085
Phone Number +91 44 24474495

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