
Report on the visit to Vedanthangal


About The Event

Our school organized a field trip for the class 9 Nature club students On 3rd February, 2024(Saturday). The students were taken to Vedanthangal Bird Sanctuary for Bird watching. The students stated around 4.45 a.m and reached the spot at 6.30a.m with the In-charge teacher. They enjoyed bird watching for more than 2 hours.

Vedanthangal is said to be the oldest water sanctuary which is renowned for its conservation of migratory birds and local bird species. The sanctuary attracts a diverse range of water birds including herons, egrets, ibises, spoon bills and more. During the period of migratory season 4000 of migratory birds travel from various parts including Europe and Australia. There were totally 40,000 birds in the sanctuary.

The students were allowed to rent binoculars from shops outside the sanctuary and observed birds. They were able to spot a lot of white ibises, grey herons, spoon bills there. There was a watch tower from which we could view a lot more than from the ground level. They were able to see a lot of eye white ibises from the watch tower. It would be a great time for bird watches nature lovers and researches from all over the world.

The sanctuary provides the visitors a lot of facilities including watch towers working parts and information centers.The students observed the morphological features of the birds and learnt their scientific names and life. The Nature club students got benefitted by the trip.



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