
Class 7 Field Trip

WhatsApp Image 2024-08-12 at 15.04.09 (2)

About The Event

Class 7 children were taken to Farm Guru, Sholavaram on 8th August. students reached the place at 9.45 a.m. they had an introduction session by Mr. Sai. And then the students were allowed to plough, sowing seeds, pounding, threshing. After that they had lunch after that weeding and had a ride in bullock cart and
tractor. Then had a valedictory. The students started at 3.30p.m after their snacks. The students got experience about all the agricultural practices.


A.M.M. School, Kotturpuram, Chennai - 600085

A.M.M. School, Kotturpuram, Chennai - 600085
Phone Number +91 44 24474495

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